


Instructor subscription: US$20 / year

  • This subscription includes 300MB of storage for your data.
  • Graders can be assigned to your courses. They can either register as an instructor or a student.

Student user fee: assessed at the rate of US$1 / week (For lighter use, a reduced rate will be applied)

  • Student fee is determined when a course is set up.
  • Minimum fee is $5.
  • Students pay on a per course basis, once at the beginning of the course.
  • For example, a student taking a course that runs for 16 weeks pays $16.
  • Their access is terminated when the course is finished.
  • For light occasional use (e.g. one exercise a week), a reduced rate may be offered. Please inquire here.
Think of the use of SE as having your students buy an "online speaking workbook." Your students and your supervisor would readily understand this. Don't mention "purchasing software" because it's not like that at all. The software is not for sale. We run the software on our server, and you and your students subscribe to a service that the software provides.


  • If an institution or an instructor/researcher wants to pay for SE usage on behalf of instructors and students, please contact us here for special pricing.


  • CD/DVD backup of your students' audio submissions: $20 + postage ($15 for download)
  • CD/DVD backup of your folders: $20 + postage